Hey people, Sebastian has another (tricky) challenge for you :) I found this code in a popular open source software. Afaik, this shouldn't be vulnerable to LFI, but you're here to prove me wrong ;) If you discover an issue, you'll be credited properly after responsible disclosure. #The Code Again, it's PHP and the code looks like this: ``` > cat index.php "; $foo = new $class($_REQUEST); } else { echo "Class does not exist.
"; } function __autoload($class) { $filename = str_replace('_','/', strtolower(basename($class))); $filepath = dirname(__FILE__) . "/classes/$filename.php"; echo "Checking... " . $filepath . "
"; if(file_exists($filepath)) { echo "Loading..." . $filepath . "
"; require $filepath; } } ``` ``` > cat classes/hacked.php hack(); } public function hack() { echo 'Hacked'; // do evil stuff ;) } } ?> ``` You can download the code here: Demo: http://challenges.internetwache.org/php-lfi.tgz ``` > curl "http://challenges.me/php-2/index.php?class=Hacked" Checking... /var/www/challenges/php-2/classes/hacked.php
Class exists.
Hacked ``` #Your task - Prove me wrong that this isn't exploitable (e.g. LFI/RCE) #Hall of Fame/Credits - Be the first! #Contact - Like always via twitter @internetwache Happy hacking ;)